Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (17)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (16)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (14)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

 Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 *(15)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

 Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Monday, May 9, 2016

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (13)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价(12)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (11)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (11)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (10)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (9)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (8)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Primer cómic mexicano en China por Jossalberto

Primer cómic mexicano en China por Jossalberto

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (7)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价
Some classmates in China that have something to say about me


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (5)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (3)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 (2)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 *(1)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

My friend Joel, Him is a professional stunt for Kung Fu and an action movies. We being working on some action movies projects but we need help from western companies. We hope one big company supports our action film projects *(this is the fist part of my interview with Joe)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 *(1)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价

Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

My friend Joel, Him is a professional stunt for Kung Fu and an action movies. We being working on some action movies projects but we need help from western companies. We hope one big company supports our action film projects *(this is the fist part of my interview with Joe)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价 *(2)

Jossalberto and some classmates 复旦大学留学生给我他们的评价
Some classmates in China that have something to say about me

My friend Joel, he is a professional stunt for Kung Fu and an action movies. We being working on some action movies projects but we need help from western companies. We hope one big company supports our film projects

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 (11)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 *(10)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

复旦大学新闻系老师 李双龙 *(传播学系)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 (9)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Friday, May 6, 2016

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 (8)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 (7)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室
Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 *(6)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室
Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 *(5)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 (4)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室
Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 *(3)

Jossalberto and some Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Jossalberto Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 (2)

Jossalberto Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Jossalberto Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室 (1)

Jossalberto Chinese professors 复旦大学留学生办公室

Some Chinese professors that have something to say about me

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Video propuesto para conferencia en México sobre cine chino

Video propuesto para conferencia en México sobre cine chino

Uno de cada 10 autos en china lleva las luces apagadas por la noche

En este video me pueden ver en China a las 8:30 PM de la noche pidiendole a un conductor chino que prenda las luces de su auto, uno de cada 10 autos en china lleva las luces apagadas por la noche, es decir que mientras conducen los chinos no prenden las luces.

Esto se debe a que los chinos creen que ellos son una especie de ser supremo, en chino se dice 中日你妈国的人, es decir que ellos no tienen la mentalidad de pensar en la vida de otras personas, es llegar el egocentrismo del nivel más alto.

como finalización de esta caracteristica tenemos que los chinos en auto cruzan calles o salen de estacionamientos sin observar a la gente que camina

Los chinos no saben conducir por egocentrismo y eso los hace los peores conductores del mundo

proposition of film to Alejandro González Inárritu from Dr. jossalberto

I'm the director of the short film 《毕业血礼》Blood Ceremony, film with 280 450 000 point in rating

I need production help and I'm asking to Alejandro González Inárritu for help.

This is a video-invitation asking for help from Alejandro González Inárritu in order ro develop the film Blood Ceremony 《毕业血礼》

by Jossalberto Briceno Saenz.

video invitation to Alejandro González Inárritu from Jossalberto

I'm the director of the short film 《毕业血礼》Blood Ceremony, film with 280 450 000 point in rating

I need production help and I'm asking to Alejandro González Inárritu for help.

This is a video-invitation asking for help from Alejandro González Inárritu in order ro develop the film Blood Ceremony 《毕业血礼》

by Jossalberto Briceno Saenz.

proposition of film to Alfonso Cuarón from Dr. Jossalberto

I'm the director of the short film 《毕业血礼》Blood Ceremony, film with 280 450 000 point in rating

I need production help and I'm asking to Alfonso Cuarón for help.

This is a video-invitation asking for help from Alfonso Cuarón in order ro develop the film Blood Ceremony 《毕业血礼》

by Jossalberto Briceno Saenz.

video invitation to Alfonso Cuarón del Dr. Jossalberto

I'm the director of the short film 《毕业血礼》Blood Ceremony, film with 280 450 000 point in rating

I need production help and I'm asking to Alfonso Cuarón for help.

This is a video-invitation asking for help from Alfonso Cuarón in order ro develop the film Blood Ceremony 《毕业血礼》

by Jossalberto Briceno Saenz.

Video para Alfonso Cuarón del Dr. Jossalberto (proyecto de Cine)


para contactar al director Alfonso Cuarón para que me ayude con producción

Quiero saber si alguno de vosotros conoce a Alfonso Cuarón o alguno de sus contactos, pues tengo una propuesta muy interesante que hacerle en relación a la producción de un largometraje de terror, basado en mi corto de nombre 《毕业血礼》Blood Ceremony (Ceremonia Sangrienta o Ceremonia de Sangre) un cortometraje de gran éxito en China.

NECESITO LA AYUDA DE TODOS!! Yo se que es mucho pedir pero: Podrías poner este video en tu Facebook y pedir a todos tus contactos que share (compartan) mi peticion de ayuda.


Alfonso Cuaron Por Favor ayudame con producción


para contactar al director Alfonso Cuarón para que me ayude con producción

Quiero saber si alguno de vosotros conoce a Alfonso Cuarón o alguno de sus contactos, pues tengo una propuesta muy interesante que hacerle en relación a la producción de un largometraje de terror, basado en mi corto de nombre 《毕业血礼》Blood Ceremony (Ceremonia Sangrienta o Ceremonia de Sangre) un cortometraje de gran éxito en China.

NECESITO LA AYUDA DE TODOS!! Yo se que es mucho pedir pero: Podrías poner este video en tu Facebook y pedir a todos tus contactos que share (compartan) mi peticion de ayuda.